先月、GoogleがHTC Senceなどのメーカー独自UIを追放するのではないかとお伝えしましたが、それは間違いだったようです。
This is what Drew Bamford had to say about the whole situation, while speaking with Forbes:
Google, too, has indicated that it wants to make the next (3.0) version of Android more polished and user friendly. Industry observers have speculated that manufacturers like HTC will make fewer alterations on their Android phones as a result. Bamford, however, says he doesn’t expect Google’s tweaks, which are scheduled to debut before the end of the year, to affect his work. “Google may focus more on improving the user interface on the stock Android [software], but I don’t think they’ll preclude manufacturer customization,” he explains.
情報元:Android 3.0 Won’t Stop HTC From Using Sense | Android Community